Thesis Database

Thesis in the year:

Thesis in the year 1994, number of records: 19

Supervisor nameStudent nameProgrammeYearThesis Title
Kwok Leung Yip Florence Juen Juen M.Phil in Psy 1994 - 1995 Attribution in Different Contexts: A Cross-Cultural Study more details
Catherine S.K. Tang Lam Kai Kei BSSc 1994 - 1995 Dating Experience, Coping Styles and Loneliness in Chinese Adolescents more details
Patrick Wing Leung Leung Chan Chin Fung BSSc 1994 - 1995 Effect of Rogerian facilitative conditions: Warmth and Empathy on perception of therapist, therapy session and feelings after therapy session more details
Freedom Yiu Kin Leung Tsang Yuen Man BSSc 1994 - 1995 Factorial Structure of the Chinese version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised: Short Form (EPS-RS) among Secondary School and Undergraduate Students in Hong Kong more details
Fanny Mui Ching Cheung Leahy Patricia Josephine M.Phil in Psy 1994 - 1995 Gender Differences in the Experience of Anxiety in Competitive Sport among Hong Kong Athletes more details
Michael H. Bond Lee Royce Yat Pui M.Phil in Psy 1994 - 1995 How Friendship Develops out of Personality and Values: A Study of Interpersonal Attraction in Chinese Culture more details
Hsuan Chih Chen Leung Chin Ho BSSc 1994 - 1995 Is Phonological Processing Inevitable? The Role of Phonology in Chinese Character Recognition more details
Hsuan Chih Chen Wong Ellick Kin Fai BSSc 1994 - 1995 Is There Phonological Recoding in Reading Chinese? more details
Michael H. Bond Shiu Winnie Yin Fong BSSc 1994 - 1995 Personality Resources and Group Interaction Behaviors: A Group Level Analysis more details
Freedom Yiu Kin Leung Or Siu Yu BSSc 1994 - 1995 Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong more details
Freedom Yiu Kin Leung Yeung Yonnie Yuk Nai BSSc 1994 - 1995 Psychometric Properties and Factorial Structure of the Problem Solving Inventory among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong more details
Freedom Yiu Kin Leung Chan Yan Yan BSSc 1994 - 1995 Psychometric Properties and Factorial Structure of the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3) in a Chinese Adolescent Sample more details
Fanny Mui Ching Cheung Yip Maverick Hin Chung BSSc 1994 - 1995 Rape-related Attitudes and Sexual Aggression Tendency of Male College Students with Different Comics Reading Habits more details
Hsuan Chih Chen Au Yeung Lai Hung M.Phil in Psy 1994 - 1995 Reading in Chinese: Some Preliminary Studies more details
Michael H. Bond Tsang Horace Wai Hung BSSc 1994 - 1995 Revise On Ethnocentric Attribution Bias: A Study in Hong Kong more details
Fanny Mui Ching Cheung Ho Ringo Moon Ho BSSc 1994 - 1995 Standardization of the MMPI-A in Hong Kong more details
Freedom Yiu Kin Leung Cheng Elise Wai BSSc 1994 - 1995 The Development and Preliminary Validation of the Chinese Affective Liability Scale (c-ALS) in a Chinese Undergraduate sample more details
Hsuan Chih Chen Wong Alan Yuk Tak BSSc 1994 - 1995 The Initial Parsing Decision of Chinese: Pronoun Assignment more details
Hsuan Chih Chen Sze Nung Tan BSSc 1994 - 1995 Using Stroop Paradigm to Investigate Linguistic Cues in Chinese Characters Encoding more details

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