Thesis Database

Year: 1994 - 1995 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Elise Wai Cheng

Thesis title:

The Development and Preliminary Validation of the Chinese Affective Liability Scale (c-ALS) in a Chinese Undergraduate sample

Keywords: Chinese Affective Liability Scale, Biphasic Mood, Biphasic Behavior

Participants: Undergraduates

Measures: Chinese Affective Liability Scale, Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, The Affect Intensity Measure, Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale

Measures abr: C-ALS, EPQ-R, AIM, MPQ, CES-D

Abstract: abstract/1995udgd/Cheng W. Elise.pdf

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