Thesis Database

Year: 2005 - 2006 2nd term

Programme: M.Phil in Psy

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Hoi Yee Lo

Thesis title:

The mediating role of social intelligence in the relations of emotional regulation dimensions and empathy to direct and indirect aggression

Keywords: Social intelligence, Emotional regulation, Empathy, Direct aggression, Indirect aggression

Participants: Primary 6 students

Measures: Direct and Indirect Aggression Scales, Peer Estimated Social Intelligence Scale, Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire, Anger Expression Inventory, The Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents

Measures abr: DIAS, PESIS, EATQ-R

Abstract: abstract/2006MPhil/Lo Hoi Yee.pdf

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