Thesis Database

Year: 2005 - 2006 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Siu Fong Wong

Thesis title:

Children's filial beliefs in explaining their self-esteem, life satisfaction, and social competence beyond parental warmth

Keywords: Filial piety, warmth, children, psychological well-being

Participants: 231 primary school (P.5&P.6) students (125male, 104 female)

Measures: Filial Piety Scale, Perceived Parental Warmth Scale, Multi-dimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Self-esteem Scale, Perceived Social Competence Scale

Measures abr: FPS, PPWS, MSLSS, SLS, SES, PSCS

Abstract: abstract/2006udgd/Siu Fong Wong.pdf

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