Thesis Database

Year: 2005 - 2006 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine S.K. Tang

Student name: Sean Chun Pong Leung

Thesis title:

Parental Divorce and Inter-parental Conflict: The Impacts on the wellbeing of secondary school students in Hong Kong

Keywords: Parental divorce, interparental conflict, attitude towards marriage, behavioural problems, GHQ

Participants: 899 (F.3-4 & F.6) secondary school students (574 boys & 325 girls)

Measures: Marital Attitude Scale, Negative School Behaviour Scale, Misdemeanour Scale, Delinquent Behaviour Scale, General Health Questionnaire-12, Revised Conflict Tactics Scale

Measures abr: MAS, GHQ-12, CTS-2

Abstract: abstract/2006udgd/Chun Pong Leung.pdf

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