Thesis Database

Year: 2005 - 2006 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Candy Pui Sze Lai

Thesis title:

Mediational Role of Resilience in Young Adults from At-Risk Family: Inputs and Outputs of Resilience

Keywords: Resilience, parental absence, family background, protective factor, adaptive outcome

Participants: 107 educated young adults (aged18-33) with either intact or at risk (parental absence) family background

Measures: Resilience Scale, Chinese Adolescent Life Event Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory, Shortened Social Poblem-Solving Inventory, Satifaction with Life Scale, Beck Depression Inventory II, Beck Anxiety Inventory

Measures abr: CALES, TCI, SPSI-S, BDI-II, BAI

Abstract: abstract/2006udgd/Pui Sze Lai.pdf

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