Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Tak Sing Wong

Thesis title:

Comparing Martial Satisfaction, Adjustment and Inter-spouse Interaction between Chinese Christian Couples and Couples Without Religion in Hong Kong

Keywords: martial satisfaction, martial adjustment, martial interaction, religiosity

Participants: 44 Christian couples and 2 wives, 44 non-Christian couples and 2 wives

Measures: Chinese Kansas Martial Satisfaction Scale, Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Idealistic Distortion Scale, The Abbreviated Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory, Emotional Intimacy subscale from the Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationship, Martial Role Commitment subscale from the Life Role Salience Scales, The Intrinsic/Extrinsic-Revised Scale, The Spiritual Maturity Index

Measures abr: C-KMS, RDAS, IDS, Short RI, PAIR, LRSS, I/E-R, SMI

Abstract: abstract/2005Dip/Wong Tak Sing.pdf

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