Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Vera Nga Lai Lam

Thesis title:

The Roles of Affective Style and Self-Deflation Proneness in the Development of Eating Pathology among Adolescent Girls

Keywords: Affective style, Self-deflation proneness, Eating pathology, Adolescent girls

Participants: Adolescent girls

Measures: Affective Style Scale, Affect and Arousal Scale, Fragile Sense of Self Scale, Symptoms Checklist -90- Depression Subscale, Chinese Eating Symptoms Checklist -21, Eating Disorder Inventory Bulimia Subscale

Measures abr: ASS, AFARS, FSS, SCL-90, CESC-21, EDI

Abstract: abstract/2005M.S.Sc/Lam Nga Lai Vera.pdf

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