Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Sum Lan Leung

Thesis title:

Age Differences in Problem-solving and Emotion Responses in Interpersonal Conflicts: The Role of Time Perspective

Keywords: Age differences, Problem-solving, Emotion, Interpersonal conflicts, Time perspective

Participants: 108 older adults (aged 61 to 93, 15 men and 93 women) from local senior centers & 98 younger adults (aged 17-22, 22 men and 76 women) from local universities and higher education institutions

Measures: Future Time Perspective Scale, Brief COPE Inventory, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule

Measures abr: FTPS, PANAS

Abstract: abstract/2005udgd/Sum Lan Leung.pdf

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