Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine S.K. Tang

Student name: Cicely Hoi Suen Ki

Thesis title:

Friendship Intimacy in Young Adulthood: Relationship to Psychosocial Adjustments and Health

Keywords: Friendship Intimacy, Psychosocial Adjustments, Health, Loneliness

Participants: Young adults

Measures: Intimate Friendship Scale. Multidimensional Self Concept Scale, Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, General Health Questionnaire, McGill Friendship Questionnaire, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale

Measures abr: IFS, MSC, GHQ, MFQ, FACES-III

Abstract: abstract/2005udgd/Cicely Hoi Suen Ki.pdf

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