Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Kam Fai Lau

Thesis title:

?Free yourself?: Self-disclosure in online and offline contexts for shy adolescents in Hong Kong

Keywords: Shyness, Self-disclosure, Computer-mediated communication

Participants: 90 secondary school (F.4 & F.5) students (56 boys and 34 girls), 62 from internet

Measures: Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale, Miller's Self-disclosure Scale, Online Self-disclosure Scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale

Measures abr: RCBSS, SDS, ULS8

Abstract: abstract/2005udgd/Lau Kam Fai.pdf

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