Thesis Database

Year: 2004 - 2005 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Cecilia Yee Man Poon

Thesis title:

Physical Activity and Psychological Well-being among Hong Kong Chinese Older Adults: Exploring the Moderating Role of Self-Construals

Keywords: Physical Activity, Psychological Well-being, Older Adults, Self-Construals

Participants: 102 community-dwelling Hong Kong Chinese older adults (aged 65 years or above)

Measures: Self-Construal Scale, Rosenberg's Global Self-Esteem Scale, Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in General Questionnaire, Yale Physical Activity Scale for Older Adults, Wahler's Physical Symptoms Inventory

Measures abr: WPSI, YPAS, SES, BPNSS, SCS

Abstract: abstract/2005udgd/POON YEE MAN.pdf

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