Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Wai Sau Tsang

Thesis title:

Temperament and Parenting: A Study of the Relations of Behavioral Inhibition and Parenting Styles to Social Behavior Problems of primary Students in Hong Kong

Keywords: Temperament, parenting, social behavior problems

Participants: 96 pairs of fifth and sixth grades and their mothers in a primary school in Shatin

Measures: Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Revised Short Form - Shyness Fear Subscale, Social Skills Rating System - Problem Behavior Subscale, Maternal Warmth and Control Scales

Measures abr: EATQ, SSRS

Abstract: abstract/2004Dip/Wai Sau Tsang.pdf

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