Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Esther Hoi Yee Sze

Thesis title:

The Role of Behavioral Inhibition and Parental Over-protection in the Development of Anxiety Symptoms among Chinese Adolescents

Keywords: Behavioral inhibition, retrospective self-report of inhibition, parental over-protection, sense of control, anxiety symptom

Participants: Form 1-4 students

Measures: Retrospective Self-Report of Inhibition, Behavioral Inhibition Scale, Parental Overprotection Scale, Sense of Control Scale, Spence Children's Anxiety Scale, Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale

Measures abr: RSRI, BIS, POS, SCS, SCAS, CES-D

Abstract: abstract/2004M.S.Sc/Esther Hoi Yee Sze.pdf

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