Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Catherine S.K. Tang

Student name: Athene Ka Wing Lee

Thesis title:

Cognition of Intimate Partner Abusers in Hong Kong: The Role of Gender Role Belief, Gender Role Stress and Outcome Expectancy for Use of Violence

Keywords: Intimate partner abuse, abuser, social cognitive model, outcome expectancy, gender role

Participants: 226 married males from the community

Measures: Male Role Norm Scale, Masculine Gender Role Stress, The Kansas's Marital Satisfaction Scale, The Revised Conflict Tactics Scale, Survey of Consequences to Aggression in Relationships

Measures abr: MRNS, MGRS, KMS, CTS2, SCAR

Abstract: abstract/2004M.S.Sc/Athene Ka Wing Lee.pdf

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