Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 2nd term

Programme: M.Phil in Psy

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Dannii Yuen Lan Yeung

Thesis title:

Impacts of time perspective and adherence to rending on Chinese men's and women's social network characteristics and psychological well-being

Keywords: Time perspective, rending, social network characteristics, gender differences, psychological well-being

Participants: 236 Chinese mena and women

Measures: The Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory, Future Time Perspective Scale, Social Convey Questionnaire, Big Five Inventory - Extraversion, Philadelphia Geriatric Centre Moral Scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale

Measures abr: CPAI 2, BFI

Abstract: abstract/2004MPhil/Dannii Yuen Lan Yeung.pdf

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