Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Darius Kwan Shing Chan

Student name: Chun Bun Lam

Thesis title:

Exploring the Antecedents and Consequences of Online Pornography Viewing among Young Men in Hong Kong

Keywords: Internet, pornography, antecedents, consequences, intervention

Participants: 229 local males aged 18-25

Measures: Use of Internet Pornography Scale, Peer Pressure Scale, Vulnerability to Peer Pressure Scale, Parental Monitoring Scale, Parenting Involvement Scale, Openness to Experience Scale, Sexual Permissiveness Scale, Attitudes toward Women Scale, Definition of Sexual Harassment Scale, Sexual Harassment Proclivity Scale

Measures abr: PMS, PIS, NEO-FFI, SPS, ATWS, SHPS

Abstract: abstract/2004udgd/Chun Bun Lam.pdf

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