Thesis Database

Year: 2003 - 2004 1st term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Him Cheung

Student name: Gloria Pui Kei Chung

Thesis title:

Learning on English Vocabulary: Effects of Instructional Method and Social Competence

Keywords: Social competence, instructional method, English vocabulary

Participants: 39 kindergarten (third grade) students (24 boys, 15 girls)

Measures: Social Skills Rating System, Incremental Theory of Intelligence,Goal Orientation and Motivation Behavior Questionnaire, Course Satisfaction Questionnaire Post-program Questionnaire of English Speaking Summer Camp 1996

Measures abr: SSRS, MBQ, CSQ, PQESSC

Abstract: abstract/2004udgd/Gloria Pui Kei Chung.pdf

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