Thesis Database

Year: 2002 - 2003 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Winne Wing Sze Mak

Student name: Vera Nga Lai Lam

Thesis title:

Self-Construals and Psychological Well-Being in a Culturally Pluralistic Context

Keywords: Self-construals, stress experience, coping strategies, life satisfaction, culturally pluralistic context

Participants: 160 college students

Measures: The Self-Construal Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Life Changes Scale, COPE Inventory, Satisfaction with Life Scale, The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, General Health Questionnaire

Measures abr: SCS, COPE, PANAS, GHQ

Abstract: abstract/2003Dip/Vera N. L. Lam_abstract.pdf

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