Thesis Database

Year: 2002 - 2003 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Paul J. Taylor

Student name: Connie Ying Fa Ng

Thesis title:

The Relationship among Stress, Alcohol Consumption, Gambling and Work Performance of White Collar Workers in Hong Kong

Keywords: Stress, alcohol consumption, gambling behavior and work performance

Participants: White collar workers in Hong Kong

Measures: The Perceived Stress Scale, Latack's Symptom Management Items (1986), Job Performance Scale (Blum, Roman and Martin, 1993), Friends' and Coworkers' Drinking and Gambling Habits (Ames, Grude and Moore (2000)

Measures abr: /

Abstract: abstract/2003udgd/Ng Ying Fa Connie.pdf

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