Thesis Database

Year: 2001 - 2002 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Psy

Supervisor: Michael Harris Bond

Student name: Peta Lorrina McAuley

Thesis title:

The Relationship of Implicit and Self-attributed Motives to Well-being in Hong Kong Adults

Keywords: Implicit motives, strivings, values, well-being

Participants: 85 working Hong Kong adults (41 males, 44 females)

Measures: Thematic Apperception Test, Personal Strivings, Schwartz Values Survey, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Chinese General Health Questionnaire

Measures abr: TAT, Strivings, SVS, MBTI, CGHQ

Abstract: abstract/2002Ph.D/Peta Lorrina McAuley.pdf

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