Thesis Database

Year: 2000 - 2001 2nd term

Programme: M.Phil in Psy

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Candice Yin Wa Leung

Thesis title:

The Relations of Parenting Style and Academic Competence to Early Adolescents' Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong

Keywords: Parenting style, concern, restrictiveness, self-evaluation academic competence, life satisfaction

Participants: 126 males and 220 females

Measures: Chinese version of the Maternal Treatment Scale of the Parental Image Differential, The Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, measures of perceived academic performance and academic self-concept

Measures abr: MTS

Abstract: abstract/2001MPhil/Leung Yin-Wa.pdf

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