Thesis Database

Year: 1999 - 2000 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Clinical Psy

Supervisor: Patrick Wing Leung Leung

Student name: Raymond Won Shing Chan

Thesis title:

The Effects of Distal Traumas on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Co-Morbid Psychopathology: An Integrative Memory Processing Model

Keywords: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Integrative Memory Processing Model, Coping, Co-Morbidity, Memory network, Social support,

Participants: Cambodian refugees in Canada

Measures: Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (Indochinese Version), Brief COPE, Social Support Questionnaire, Resettlement Stressor Scale, Life Event Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire

Measures abr: HTQ, SSQ, RSS, LEQ, GHQ

Abstract: abstract/2000PhDClinPsy/Raymond Won Shing Chan_abstract.pdf

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