Thesis Database

Year: 1999 - 2000 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Giovanni B. Moneta

Student name: Linda Oi Chu Wong

Thesis title:

The Daily Affect of Rehabilitating and Rehabilitated Heroin Addicts in a Therapeutic Community

Keywords: Heroin addiction, Affect, Self-concept, Flow theory

Participants: Rehabilitating heroin addicts

Measures: Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, Self-concept of Ability Scale, Self-Description Questionnaire, Involvement and Teacher Support Scale, Personal Attributes Questionnaire, General Causality Orientation Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Experience Sampling Method

Measures abr: SES, SDQ, PAQ, GCOS, SWLS, ESM

Abstract: abstract/2000udgd/Wong Oi Chu.pdf

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