Thesis Database

Year: 1998 - 1999 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Patrick Wing Leung Leung

Student name: To Kan Choy

Thesis title:

Behavioral Disorder in 3-year-old Preschool Children: Stability and Factors Influencing Prognosis

Keywords: Prognosis, Behavioral disorder, Cognitive development, Physical Health

Participants: 3-year-old preschool children

Measures: Behavioral Screening Questionnaire, Preschool Behavior Checklist, Questionnaires, Parent interview of the symptoms of the child, Reynell & Griffith's Test

Measures abr: BSQ, PBCL, PISC

Abstract: abstract/1999Dip/To Kwan Choy_abstract.pdf

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