Thesis Database

Year: 1998 - 1999 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Patrick Wing Leung Leung

Student name: Jeanie Chee Ping Chan

Thesis title:

Exploration of the Mental Health of the Female Chinese New Immigrants in Hong Kong

Keywords: Mental health, New Immigrants, Family functioning, Marital stress, Parental stress, Economic stress, Self-esteem, Mastery & integration

Participants: Female new immigrants from Mainland Chine

Measures: General Health Questionnaire, Family Assessment Devise, Marital Strain & Stress, Parental Strain & Stress, Economic Strain & Stress, Rosenberg Self- esteem Scale, Mastery Scale, Integration Scale

Measures abr: GHQ, FAD, RSE

Abstract: abstract/1999MSSc/Jeanie Chee Ping Chan_abstract.pdf

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