Thesis Database

Year: 1998 - 1999 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Agnes Sui Yin Chan

Student name: Jeanny Shuk Yin Tam

Thesis title:

Utility of Olfactory Identification Test for Diagnosing Patients with Alzheimer's Disease in Hong Kong

Keywords: Olfactory identification, Olfactory threshold

Participants: Patients with Alzheimer's Disease, Normal elderly

Measures: Picture Identification Test, Olfactory Identification Test, Olfactory Threshold Test (Alcohol Sniff Test), Mini-Mental State Examination (Cantonese version), Dementia Rating Scale (Cantonese version)

Measures abr: PIT, CMMSE, DRS

Abstract: abstract/1999MSSc/Jeanny Shuk Yin Tam_abstract.pdf

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