Thesis Database

Year: 1998 - 1999 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Candy Ngar Kwan Hui

Thesis title:

Self-Concept and Heterosexual Relationships of Incarcerated Child Molesters as Compared to Rapists and Non-Sex Offenders in Hong Kong

Keywords: Self-concept, Heterosexual relationships, Incarcerated child molesters

Participants: Extrafamilial child molesters, Rapists, Non-sex offenders

Measures: Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, The Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Miller Social Intimacy Scale, Differential Loneliness Scale

Measures abr: RSE, FNE, MSIS, DLS

Abstract: abstract/1999MSSc/Candy Ngar Kwan Hui_abstract.pdf

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