Thesis Database

Year: 2022 - 2023 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Fiona Yan-Yee HO

Student name: ChiKa LOUIE

Thesis title:

Efficacy of Internet-based Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Insomnia (CBT-I) on Comorbid Depression and Insomnia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Keywords: Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Depression, Insomnia, Internet-based

Participants: 61 Adults aged between 18-65 with comorbid Deprsesion and Insomnia

Measures: The Patient Health Questionnaire, Insomnia Severity Index, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Sheehan Disability Scale, Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, Short Form (Six-Dimension) Health Survey, Credibility-Expectancy Questionnaire, Treatment Acceptability/Adherence Scale

Measures abr: PHQ-9, ISI, HADS, PSQI-19, SDS, MFI-20, SF-6D, CEQ, TAAS

Abstract: abstract/2022-2023BSSc/LouieChiKa_abstract.pdf

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