Thesis Database

Year: 2022 - 2023 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Agnes Sui-Yin CHAN

Student name: LokLam CHAN

Thesis title:

Relationship between temporal processing and memory deficits of children with autism spectrum disorder

Keywords: Temporal processing, Episodic memory, Working memory, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Participants: 12 primary school (aged from 7 to 10 years old) students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (10 boys and 2 girls)

Measures: Hong Kong List Learning Test 2nd Edition, A Temporal-Order Judgement task paradigm

Measures abr: HKLLT, TOJ Paradigm

Abstract: abstract/2022-2023BSSc/ChanLokLam_abstract.pdf

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