Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra MCBRIDE

Student name: WingTungNicolette LEE

Thesis title:

Understanding Chinese reading in children: Characters and words as important reading units

Keywords: Chinese reading, Characters, Words, Dyslexia, Morphological awareness

Participants: Study 1: Sample 1: 325 students (56-90 months in age; 182 boys & 143 girls) Study 1: Sample 2: 568 students (Grade 0-5; 273 boys & 295 girls) Study 2: 80 students (Grade 2-3; 48 ordinary & 32 dyslexic)

Measures: Chinese Character Reading, Chinese Word Reading, Chinese Phonological Awareness, Chinese Morphological Awareness, Chinese Rapid Automatised Naming

Measures abr: CCR, CWR, CPA, CMA, CRAN

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022BSSc/LeeWingTungNicolette_abstract.pdf

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