Thesis Database

Year: 2020 - 2021 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Winnie Wing-Sze MAK

Student name: HoPui WU

Thesis title:

The Effects of Mindfulness, Reappraisal on Personal Growth Initiative and Self-forgiveness: A Pilot Study Using Audio Guided Reflection to Enhance Self-forgiveness

Keywords: Self-forgiveness, Mindfulness, Reappraisal, Personal Growth

Participants: 181 Non-clinical Chinese Individuals

Measures: State Self-Forgiveness Dual-Process Scale, State-Reappraisal Inventory, State Mindfulness Scale, Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II

Measures abr: SFF, SRI, SMS, PGI-II

Abstract: abstract/2020-2021BSSc/WUHoPui_abstract.pdf

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