Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 2 term

Programme: M.S.Sc. in Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Patrick Wing-Leung

Student name: Wai Ki TANG

Thesis title:

Endorment of Traditional Gender roles contributed to over-personalization of responsibilities, but excessive emotional control and expressive self-reliance, in addition to Adverse Childhood Experience, Adult attachment, Negative peer influence

Keywords: Traditional gender roles, Excessive emotional control, Over self-reliance, Over-personalisation, Toxic Masculinity

Participants: Hong Kong males aged 20-60

Measures: Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale, The Adult Attachment Scale, The Peer Delinquency Scale, Gender role attitude questionnaire, Chinese Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory

Measures abr: ACE Scale, AAS, CCMNI

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022MSsc/TangWaiKi_abstract.pdf

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