Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 2 term

Programme: M.S.Sc. in Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Chui-De CHIU

Student name: Ching Nam KEI

Thesis title:

Guiding with Mindfulness: Associations between Maternal Psychological Distress and Observed Parental Control, and the Moderating Role of Mindfulness

Keywords: Parental control, Emotional distress, Mindfulness, Parent-child interactions

Participants: 129 mothers and their children

Measures: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale, Tangram Observation Task

Measures abr: HADS, SDQ, MAAS

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022MSsc/KeiChingNam_abstract.pdf

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