Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 Summer term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Wai CHAN

Student name: Angel LEE

Thesis title:

The Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation on the Effects of Self-control on Affective Well-being and Life Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Analysis

Keywords: Self-control, Positive affect and negative affect, Life Satisfaction, Fear of negative evaluation, Moderated mediation

Participants: 250 undergraduate students

Measures: Brief Self-Control Scale, Short form of the Positive and Negative affect schedule, Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale

Measures abr: BSCS, I-PANAS-SF, BFNE, SWLS

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022MA/LeeAngel_abstract.pdf

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