Thesis Database

Year: 2020 - 2021 2 term

Programme: PsyD in Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Winnie Wing-Sze MAK

Student name: Hiu Ching JUNG

Thesis title:

Effectiveness of Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Internet-based Intervention to Individuals with High Risk for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Keywords: Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Internet-based intervention, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Rumination

Participants: Hong Kong, Chinese

Measures: Ruminative Response Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Patient Health Questionnaire, Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale, Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale

Measures abr: RRS, PSWQ, PHQ-9, GAD-7, M.I.N.I, BADS

Abstract: abstract/2020-2021PsyD_CP/JungHiuChing_abstract.pdf

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