Thesis Database

Year: 2020 - 2021 3 term

Programme: M.S.Sc. in Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Patrick Wing-Leung LEUNG

Student name: Yik-Tung Krystal WONG

Thesis title:

Help-seeking behavior patterns across common children and adolescents’ psychiatric disorders in Hong Kong

Keywords: Help-seeking behavior, children and adolescents’ psychiatric disorders, Parents’ help-seeking behavior patterns

Participants: 1,039 primary/secondary school students and their parents

Measures: The Hong Kong Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey: Age 6-17 Service Utilization and Needs, Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children

Measures abr: DISC-V

Abstract: abstract/2020-2021MSsc_CP/WongYikTungKrystal_abstract.pdf

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