Thesis Database

Year: 1998 - 1999 1st term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Connie S.H. Ho

Student name: David Pun Lok Kwan

Thesis title:

A Look into the Visual-Motor Skills and Visual Perceptual Skills of Chinese Dyslexics

Keywords: Visual Deficit Hypothesis, Chinese Dyslexics, Visual-Perceptual, Visual-Motor

Participants: Dyslexic Children, Average Readers

Measures: Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, Chinese Word Reading Test for Junior Primary School Children, Bender Visual Gestalt Test, Test of Visual Perceptual Skills Revised, Chinese Copying Test, Test of Motor Impairment

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/1998udgd/Kwan Pun Lok David.pdf

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