Thesis Database

Year: 2019 - 2020 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra MCBRIDE-CHANG

Student name: Yim Hung WONG

Thesis title:

This study investigates the effects of MOOC by parents in the reading level of local children with dyslexia and a Chinese curriculum in Hong Kong (including Chinese Dictation, Chinese (Single) Character Reading, Chinese One-minute word reading, and Chinese Word Reading)

Keywords: MOOC, parents, local children with dyslexia and a Chinese curriculum, Hong Kong, reading level

Participants: Local children with dyslexia and a Chinese curriculum in Hong Kong

Measures: Chinese (single) character reading, Chinese one-minute word reading, Chinese Word Reading , Chinese Dictation

Measures abr: CD, CCR, COM, CWR

Abstract: abstract/2019-2020MA/WongYimHung_abstract.pdf

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