Thesis Database

Year: 2019 - 2020 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Winton Wing-Tung AU

Student name: Po Yi TSE

Thesis title:

Relationships of theatre attributes and audience characteristics on audience experience and satisfaction: the wants and needs of novice and experienced theatre audiences

Keywords: theatre attributes, audience characteristics, audience experience and satisfaction, audience wants and needs, novice and experienced theatre audiences

Participants: 1. 118 samples (audience/ audience and amateur members of theatre productions or performer/ theatre practitioners) and 39 theatre experts for theatre attributes 2. 10 regular theatre-goers for celebrity ratings of shows 3. 8698 audience members for demographics and measurement of audience experience and satisfaction.


Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2019-2020MA/TsePoYi_abstract.pdf

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