Thesis Database

Year: 2019 - 2020 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Winnie Wing-Sze MAK

Student name: Wai Ki TANG

Thesis title:

Can smartphone-based 3-minute breathing space training promote mindfulness and mental wellbeing: Randomized controlled trial

Keywords: Smartphone-based intervention, Mindfulness, Mental wellbeing, Three minutes breathing space, Randomized controlled trial

Participants: 148

Measures: WHO 5-item Well-being index, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Peace of Mind Scale, Stillness Scale

Measures abr: WBI, K6, MAAS, PoM, Stillness

Abstract: abstract/2019-2020MA/TangWaiKi_abstract.pdf

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