Thesis Database

Year: 2019 - 2020 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Fiona Yan-Yee HO

Student name: Kah Mun CHEAH

Thesis title:

Exploring the Case of Sleep Insufficiency from a Behavioral Perspective of Bedtime Procrastination in Hong Kong: An Online Survey Study

Keywords: sleep insufficiency, bedtime procrastination, Hong Kong

Participants: A sample of hong kong adults

Measures: Sleep-50 questionnaire, Bedtime procrastination scale, General procrastination scale, Sleep practices and attitudes questionnaire, Insomnia severity index, Brief self-control scale, Morningness-eveningness questionnaire self-assessment version

Measures abr: Sleep-50, BPS, GPS, SPAQ, ISI, BSCS, MEQ-SA

Abstract: abstract/2019-2020MA/CheahKahMun_abstract.pdf

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