Thesis Database

Year: 2018 - 2019 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Qian WANG

Student name: Yi Yun YAN

Thesis title:

Chinese Adolescents’ Perceived Maternal Reactions to Their Positive Emotions: Relations to Adolescent Socioemotional Functioning and Perceived Maternal Socialization Goals

Keywords: Emotion Socialization, Positive Emotion, Socialization Goals

Participants: 301 6th and 7th grade students recruited in Shanghai

Measures: Responding to Adolescents’ Happy Affect Scale, autonomy support measure, psychological control scales, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Subjective Vitality Measure, Boston form of Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression symptoms index, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Emotion Regulation Questionnaure, Avoidance subscale of the strategy and attribution questionnaire, social initiative meausre, Delinquent Subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist-Youth Self-Report, Normbreaking Measure, Filial Piety subscale of parents' scoialization goals measure, self-development socialization goals measure, pubertal development scale

Measures abr: RAHAS, RSE, CES-D, STAI, ERQ, SAQ, PDS

Abstract: abstract/2018-2019MA/YanYiYun_abstract.pdf

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