Thesis Database

Year: 2018 - 2019 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Suzanne Ho-Wai SO

Student name: Felicity BROOK

Thesis title:

Peer Victimization and Social Anxiety: The Protective Effects of Different Forms of Social Support at Different Ages

Keywords: Adolescence, victimization, maladjustment, protective effects, social support.

Participants: Secondary school students in Hong Kong (Aged 12-18 Years)

Measures: The Revised Olweus Bullying Questionnaire, The Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents, The Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure, The Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale

Measures abr: OBVQ, SAS-A, IPSM, CASSS-R

Abstract: abstract/2018-2019MA/BrookFelicity_abstract.pdf

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