Thesis Database

Year: 2017 - 2018 Summer term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Letty Yan-Yee KWAN

Student name: Lam LAM

Thesis title:

Self-Reflection and Self-Compassion: Different mechanisms to Motivate Learning

Keywords: Self-reflection, Self-compassion, Learning goals, Performance goals, Learning motivations

Participants: 88 in study 1; 98 in study 2

Measures: Goal Orientation Scale, Revised Implicit theories of Intelligence Scale, Self-compassion Scale, Self-reflection and Insight Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation, Time Style Inventory

Measures abr: GOS, ITI, SCS-SF, SRIS, BRS, FNF, TSI

Abstract: abstract/2017-2018MA/LamLam_abstract.pdf

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