Thesis Database

Year: 2017 - 2018 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Annie Tse-Mei SHU

Student name: Wing Kwun Ingrid CHEN

Thesis title:

Effects of Mortality Salience on Future Orientation, Goal Focus and Subjective Life Expectancy and the Moderating Roles of Anxiety Sensitivity and Perceived Social Support in Emerging Adulthood

Keywords: Time Perspective, Terror Management Theory, Goal Orientation, Perceived Social Support, Anxiety Sensitivity

Participants: Pool of emerging adults in Hong Kong

Measures: Anxiety Sensitivity Index - Revised, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, 2 x 2 Measure of Achievement Goals for a Word Domain

Measures abr: ASI-R, MSPSS, TPI

Abstract: abstract/2017-2018MA/ChenWingKwun_abstract.pdf

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