Thesis Database

Year: 2017 - 2018 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Winnie Wing-Sze MAK

Student name: Mo Kit CHAN

Thesis title:

Development and Validation of Stillness Scale

Keywords: Stillness, mindfulness, concentration, samatha, mental health

Participants: 333 participants, including 74 male and 257 female, from the community of students and staff in the Chinese UniverSity of Hong Kong

Measures: Stillness Scale, Attentional Control Scale, Peace of Mind Scale, Embracement Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Multidimensional Assessment of lnteroceptive Awareness, Affect Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale, Warm Tolerance subscale of Interpersonal Tolerance Scale, Short Form Nonattachment Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Messier Psychological Distress Scale, Brief Irritability Scale, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire—II, Brief Aqqression Questionnaire

Measures abr: SS, ACA, PoM, ES, BRS, FFMQ, MAIA, AS, SHS, IPS-WT, NAS-8, PSS, K10, BITe, AAQ-II, BAQ

Abstract: abstract/2017-2018MA/ChanMoKit_abstract.pdf

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