Thesis Database

Year: 2016 - 2017 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Him CHEUNG

Student name: Wai Ying Phoebe LUI

Thesis title:

Two Distinct Modes of Understanding in Interpretive Theory of Mind and the Evaluation of Lying and Truth-telling in Children

Keywords: Theory of mind, Whit lies, false belief, interpretive theory of mind, lies

Participants: 7 to 10 years old children studying Hong Kong local Schools

Measures: Intepretive ioM-Ambiguous pictures task, Intepretive ioM-Matters of taste problem, Representative ioM, Lie identification and evaluation

Measures abr: iToM-pic, iToM-taste, rToM

Abstract: abstract/2016-2017MA/LuiWaiYing_abstract.pdf

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