Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2 term

Programme: MSSC in Clinical Psychology

Supervisor: Fanny Mui Ching Cheung

Student name: Chow Ho Ting

Thesis title:

The effect of gratitude exercises on well-being and benefit appraisal for Asian Chinese secondary school students.

Keywords: gratitude, gratitude exercise, benefit appraisal, well-being, social sensitivity

Participants: 116 local junior secondary school students in study 1 266 local junior secondary school students in study 1

Measures: chinese personality assessment inventory - adolescent version, mini-domain specific satisfaction with life inventory, satisfaction with life scale, positive affect and negative affect schedule

Measures abr: CPAI-A, mini-DSLI, SWLS, PANAS

Abstract: abstract/abstract/2013-2014ChiPsy/ChowHoTing_abstract.pdf

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