Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Patrick Leung

Student name: Chan Hung Cheung

Thesis title:

A Validation Study of The Chinese-Western Intercultural Couple Standards Scale for Hong Kong Chinese Adults

Keywords: Couple relationship, relationship standards, intercultural, measure, chinese-western

Participants: 286 chinese adults (187 females, 99 males)

Measures: The Chinese-Western Intercultural Couple Standards Scale, Felt Obligation Measure, Short-Form Filial Piety Scale, Intimacy, Passion, Commitment Scale – Intimacy and Passion Scales, General Ethnicity Questionnaire, Self-Construal Scales, The Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale

Measures abr: CWICSS, FOM, Short-form FPS, IPCS, GEQ, SCS, MCSDS

Abstract: abstract/2014MSSc/Chan Hung Cheung_abstract

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